New Life supports the following ministries through prayer, finances, and volunteers, and considers it a privilege to partner with them in reaching our city and our world for Christ.
Local OutreACH Partnerships
Alternatives Pregnancy Center (Aurora, CO) -
Showing the love of Christ to those affected by unplanned pregnancies in the Aurora area.Colorado Family Life Center (Annette Dotterer - Aurora, CO) -
CFLC exists to build strong families and impact our city with the love of Jesus. Parents earn baby supplies by taking free parenting and life skills classes.Ancient Paths EFC (Bruce Duell)
Planting a network of house churches in urban Denver to reach people with the Gospel of Christ.Restoration Outreach Programs/ Youth (Aurora, CO) -
Providing a safe place for homeless, runaway, street youth and children.
Contact: 303-344-4219
Cadence, International (Craig Jentink, Aurora, CO: Central Americas Regional Director)
caring for Cadence missionaries while they reach the military for Christ.
Contact: 303-902-1262EFCA National Offices (Minneapolis, MN)
National office of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Contact: 1-800-745-2202 or efca.orgLittle Sparks (Lee Nguyen)
Ministry in Central Los Angeles, CARocky Mountain District EFCA (Greg Fell: Superintendent of the Rocky Mountain District)
New Life supports 12 missionaries in various places around the world. For security reasons, we do not disclose the names and locations of these missionaries.
How can I get involved?
If you're interested in outreach, becoming a part of the Outreach Committee is a great place to start. We are currently in the process of developing a new vision and strategy for Community Outreach and would love to have your input. Contact Tim Welch -